Name: Baojia "Vanilla" Dai
Species: Blaziken-Fusion
Gender: Male
Age: Twenty Seven(?)
Height: Six-Foot Four Inches
Occupation: Wandering Monk and Spiritual Advisor
Favored Types: Psychic, Flying, Water
Affiliation: Jade Lotus
Not much is told or can even be found about "Vanilla"'s past. He is a registered immigrant from China, having moved a few years back to Japan. Background searches show that he spent a considerable time living within a Buddhist Temple and learning the ways of the Shaolin Monk. Official records show he lived there his whole life though this is not the case and only those very close to him know this secret.
Dai Baojia was born into an organization that had a similar premise as Team Rocket though was a branch off of the Chinese Triad that was more interested in Pokemon-related crimes more than drug trafficking, racketeering and other business-related crimes. This organization was called the Jade Lotus ( 玉芙蓉 ). At a young age, Baojia's parents wanted out though it was made clear that there was no true escape from the life of crime. With his father made into an example and left with no other choice, Baojia's life revolved around doing small jobs for the Red Pole in charge of the district and caring for his widowed mother where he could. These jobs involved delivering letters, partaking in shakedowns of local stores, mugging people for their rare Pokemon so they could be sold on the black market and acting as bait for when the People's Armed Police arrived to try and arrest those caught in the act.
His teen years were more kind as he started moving up in rank through the organization; eventually becoming a Red Pole himself in charge of a smaller district after his predecessor was busted for possession of stolen Pokemon. Life was good. Gambling, women, drugs and all the money he could want to spend on whatever he wished... After he had given the Dai Lo his more than fair share of the money earned of course. The good times came screeching to a halt not two years after Baojia had settled in and he was given 'The Big Job'. Up until that point, he had been doing small-time work and ordering his thugs to do the deeds for him but this time it was something big. And he messed up just enough to warrant his life being in danger.