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Looking for Pokémon and NPC Battles
Command Arguments Description Comment Example
+hunt Searches for Pokémon on a route Default hunting also includes trainer battles and itemfinding. +hunt
+abortbattle Ends a battle Only use this when your battle is glitched, else it will cause problems +abortbattle
+mefight Toggles whether or not to display yourself among participants in a wild battle Default value is on; no effect when used by non-fusions +mefight
+mefirst Toggles whether you will go first in Pokémon encounters or not Default value is off +mefirst
+trainerbattle Toggles whether or not to seek out trainer battles when using +hunt Default value is on +trainerbattle
+itemfinder Toggles whether or not to search for items with the ItemFinder while using +hunt Default value is on +itemfinder
+findlegendary Toggles whether or not to search for legendary pokemon while using +hunt at Tier 4 Default value is on +findlegendary
+partner player Invites another player to partner with you while you +hunt +partner Cykes
+unpartner Leaves a group formed by +partner +unpartner
none or tier Brings up a menu to allow you to see/change the tier of encounters at which you +hunt Default is 1; entering a value for tier (range 1-4 inclusive) as a parameter will bypass the menu
+tier 2
+tierchange 3
Training and Team Management
Command Arguments Description Comment Example
+train DESCRIPTION The number earned per day may be raised by getting more badges and raising your trainer level +train
+evcheck none or slotA Opens a menu showing the EVs, IVs, and Hidden Power type and strength of a pokemon in your party Sending in a parameter will bypass the menu
+evcheck slot1
+evcheck fusion
slotA=slotB Switches the order of two (non-fusion) pokemon in your party
+switchpoke slot1=slot2
+order slot2=slot3
+first slotA Switches the positions of the first pokemon in your party and another pokemon +first slot3
+pokescan none or slotA Displays the moves a pokemon can learn as well as which TMs you have are compatable Passing no parameters assumes fusion
+pokescan slot1
+learn Opens an interface for teaching pokemon new attacks and allows access to a visual moveset editor +learn
slotA=move1, move2, move3, move4
slotA=bankNumber:move1, move2, move3, move4
Sets the moves in a given pokemon's moveset with no GUI Default move bank (for the command with fewer parameters) is 1; range is 1-4, inclusive
+setmovesslot1=Calm Mind, Substitute, Surf, Signal Beam
+setmoves me=2:Encore, Scald, Hidden Power, Ice Beam
Chooses the default moveset Default slot is fusion; range is 1-4, inclusive +slot1=3
+evolve slotA=nextStage Evolves a pokemon (or fusion), assuming standard conditions are met +evolve slot1=Golduck
Communication and RP
Command Arguments Description Comment Example
comhelp Displays a list of commands related to channels Since you're reading this, it's unlikely you'll need to use this command comhelp
comlist Displays a list of channels available to join and your aliases for them (if applicable) comlist
addcom channel=alias HELP HOW DO I EXPLAIN THIS I AM NOT GOOD WITH MU*PUTER addcom public=pub
remcom channel WHY DOES THIS EXIST remcom public
comtitle channel comtitle Sets a tag to prefix your messages with in a channel comtitle public ^[rRed Comtitle^[d
+ansihelp Displays a list of color/formatting codes compatable with most text and comtitles Please color your text responsibly +ansihelp
alias message Sends a message to a channel you've already joined pub Hello, world!
alias #on Turns a channel on, so you will recieve and be able to send messages on it pub #on
alias #off Turns a channel off, so you won't recieve or be able to send messages on it pub #off
say message Posts a message, spoken from your character's point of view Use only for IC text say Hello, Kasei!
message Posts an action, begun with your character's name Use only for IC actions
pose waves!
 :smiles broadly
message Posts a message without context, like pose without the name Prefix a spoof with %r%t to add in a carriage return and a tab to increase readability! spoof %r%tThe trainers and their pokemon all let out a collective gasp. That wasn't a rock; it was a rock Clauncher!
ooc message Posts a message out of character, for communication with other MU*ers rather than their characters ooc I'd love to RP with you! Just let me put on some music, first.
player1 [...] playerN=message
Sends a private message to one or more people in the same room
whisper Amunra=Hello, Amunra. How are you today?
whisper Merkabah Delphi=How are you two doing today?
player1 [...] playerN=message
Sends a private message to one or more people currently online Default recipient is the last person or people you paged
page Honey=Hello, Honey!
page Lepus Bastion Lore=Wow! I've never seen you all online at once before!
Opens the mailbox interface For sending messages to people who aren't currently online, or messages you want a persistant copy of
player1 [...] playerN
Opens a prompt to enter unformatted text to either the room or one or more players in private Pastes to the room by default
@paste Glitch
@paste Yang Pixel




Helpful general commands

Unfindable: This is a useful command if you do not wish to have people constantly walking in on you where ever you are on grid, or just want some privacy. Type who #p to set it and who #!p to unset it. Once set your location on the who list will be obfuscated.

+trainerbattle (to set yourself to avoid or allow trainer battles.)

+itemfinder (to set yourself to avoid or allow the item finder to ping.)

+Map (For viewing the grid map)

msummon/mjoin or xsummon/xjoin (to bring or join a player on the grid)

+collect (is the command to see the collection options that we have that redeem for nice items, like having all of Arceus' plates and trading them in for an Omega Token!)

+cf (is the shorthand of +classifieds to take you to the classifieds help screen. For our classifieds that you can by and sell items in. The buy list is for things people want to buy and sell is for things people want to see.)

+evcheck (Use this to see the EVs/IVs and hidden powers of your pokemon)

+scouter <name> (gives you an estimate of how strong someone and their team is)

+pversion (Shows the lists of pokemon specific to the Iron and Copper versions!)

+planter (gives you access to your berry planter)

+gyms (View a list of Gyms, their locations, Leaders, and whether you've won the Gym Challenge there.)

Finger commands

To view the ingame help for +finger, just type +info #help, or look below here.

+Finger or +info name View a person's info

+Finger or +info #add Add an entry

+Finger or +info #del Delete an entry

+Finger or +info #priv Toggles if a field is viewable to all or just staff and self

Fusion commands

Temp fusion: +tempfuse slotnumber, for example +tempfuse slot1, or slot2, ect.

Permafusions: Type +fusion to bring up your stored perma-fusions.

Temporary fusion requires a Bond stat of 140 or more with the Pokemon, and Permanent fusion requires a Bond stat of 255. Due to system limitations, items cannot be held by a Pokemon when it fuses.

In a temporary fusion, the Pokemon's gender is used. This can be averted if the Pokemon's bond stat is at 250 or more, in which case either the trainer's or Pokemon's gender can be chosen whenever fusion is performed.

In a permanent fusion, the choice of gender between the trainer's or the Pokemon's is made only once, at the time of the permanent fusion. The command to perform a Permanent fusion is +permfuse slot<#>. For example: +permfuse slot2. IMPORTANT! Once a Pokemon has been used in a permanent fusion, it is a part of the character forever. There is no way to return that Pokemon to your party as a separate entity.


Temporary fusions can un-fuse by typing +unfuse. This sends the Pokemon back to the trainer's current group, or - if the group is full - back to a slot in a Box. If all Boxes are full, un-fusing is impossible.

Pokemon Commands

+sheet Shows your current forms stats/attacks, and a list of your inventory items.

+sheet slot(1-6) shows the current stats/attacks of a party Pokemon

+sheet/training A quick glance at your TXP/FXP Trainer and Fighter levels, the levels and bond of your Pokemon, and stats related to TP and your daily registered ticks

+sheet/pokemon a quick, but in-depth overview of your whole team, sans showing moves or stats.

Award market commands

These are commands for the award market, which you buy with special points you earn, victory and award points (VP and AP respectively.)

+Award/balance to see your total.

+Award/market to see the stuff you can buy.

Pokemon item equip commands

+hold slot[#]=[item] gives a Pokemon in your party an item to hold, replace [#] wth the number, remember to keep 'slot' there, though!

+unhold slot[#] returns a Pokemon's held item to your inventory

Out of battle item use

+use me=[item] This one targets yourself, best for boosters and the like!

+use slot[#]=[item] Targets a pokemon in your group!

+invstore Access storage system

Pokedex commands

+dex [name]

+dex/attack [attack name]

+dex/item [Item/TM name]

+dex/ability [ability]

Wild Battle

+scan Shows you a list of Pokemon in your current area, and how often they are likely to appear!

+scan #help Tells you how to use more advanced +scan commands, have fun!

PVP commands

+pvp to list the pvps available in the room

+pvp/create to make a new request.

+pvp/join [name] to join a request.

+pvp/abort to abort creating a new battle

+pvp/teamsetup to setup your team, after creating or accepting a challenge

+concede (Since you can't run from a PVP match, this is used to give up.)

+watch <name> Watch the PvP match that <name> is currently a part of.

+bnotify turns off seeing other people putting up battle notifications

+review [re-displays the battle data, in case you forgot]

Trading commands

+trade/offer <name> [person you want to start a trade with] starts a trade

+trade/accept <name> [person offering you a trade] accepts an offered trade

+trade/decline declines an offered trade

+trade/manage lets you see the Pokemon in your trade-partners party, to select what you are asking for

+trade/confirm [after the screen showing the final trade, type in 'y' to accept or n to decline] Shows each player what they are asking for from each other

+trade/cancel stops the trade at any time

+trade/block automatically stops trade requests from being sent

+trade/unblock allows you to trade again

+pokegive <name> Offer a pokemon to someone.

+poketake <name> Receive a pokemon from someone.

+pokedeny <name> Decline someone's pokemon offer.

+pokegiveclear Clear offer data/Cancel offer.

Pokemart commands

+store lists a summary of the store commands, nearly every city has a +store

+store/list shows what is for sale in the store

+store/buy [item] buys one copy of a store item

+store/buy [item]=# Buys # copy of a store item

+store/sell [inventory item] sells one copy of an item from your inventory

+store/sell [inventory item]=# sells # copy of an item from your inventory

Player home commands

+gohome Creates a home room and takes you into that room.

+homename Allows you to designate a name for your home space

+homedesc Allows you to input a description for your home space. This description will automatically be applied whenever you type +gohome.

wa #roomhide Allows you to hide your home room from the whereare command. wa #!roomhide allows you to stop hiding your home room.

+out Whenever you are in a home room, you can type this to leave it and return to the location you occupied before you entered the home room. If the owner of the room types this, all current occupants are removed as well.

Gym Challenge Commands

See the Gyms page for a more detailed explanation of Gym Challenges.

+gymchallenge Begins a Gym Qualifier Challenge against a Gym's NPC junior trainers. (You must, of course, be standing in one of Kasei's Gyms!)

+abortchallenge Aborts a currently engaged Gym Qualifier Challenge.

+leaderchallenge Puts your name on the waiting list to challenge a Gym Leader. (You must be standing in a Gym, and have completed the Qualifier Challenge for that Gym.)

Note Commands

If and when you look to join one of the Factions, you'll need to set up your +notes with some aspects of your character, including strengths and weaknesses.

+note Coatl This will show you a list of Coatl's notes! If you use this on yourself, you'll even see notes you made that aren't approved yet!

+note Coatl/Being Amazing This will let you read Coatl's note about Being Amazing!

+note/set Coatl/Being Amazing=Not so good at this, but I have awesome staff friends. This will let me make a note containing some short descriptive text! You can use your character's name, or just "me". If you already had that note approved, this won't blow the old one away yet. We have to approve the change, and the old note will stay until then.

+note/rem Coatl/Being Amazing This will make me sad.

+note/unapprove Coatl/Wall of Text I made a big long wall of text. Then I found a very embarrassing typo in a sentence about challenging a gym leader to take their badge. I didn't want to delete the whole thing forever, but I really needed it to stop showing that to everyone right now! Now I can still look at it and redo it later.

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