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Name: Xevryn Morgais

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Sunyshore City; Sinnoh Region

Occupation: Shale Valley Gym Leader, Professor of Archaeology

Favored Type: Steel

Affiliation: Shale Valley Gym & Lakeside University


Important Pokemon


Xevryn keeps many other species of pokemon about the lab; some of which are members of the official gym team and others make their residence there as the professor studies them.


Being the second child of one of the more well-to-do families in Sunyshore City, Xevryn and his older brother spent their time working at their parent's shop at the local bazaar. His brother was a natural salesman and easily made their family's shop one of the more profitable shops. All the while, Xevryn's face remained buried in the books that he would bring to occupy himself while his elder did most of the work. Despite the fact that the shop was successful, Xevryn, or "Xevy", as his immediate friends called him, was easily overshadowed by his prodigious brother. That was of no concern to him as his heart wasn't in the family business. Secretly sneaking off to watch challengers take on the Gym Leader. With some coercion of his parents and a good word from his brother, he was finally given their blessing to travel and learn all he could about pokemon and the mysteries they hold.

Future Goals

Having taken the time to increase his knowledge of pokemon and the history behind their evolution, Xevryn has opted to pursue teaching as an accompaniment to his research. Currently the Professor of Paleontology at Lakeside University as well as Head Researcher and Gym Leader at Shale Valley Museum, Xevryn hopes touse his knowledge to help further trainers' understanding of their pokemon partners as well as improve their bonds through battle all the while unraveling the mysteries of the pokemon world through his research. As an up and coming authority on Steel type pokemon, Xevryn definitely has a lot on his plate.


Xevryn is rather facetitious and often aloof regarding most altercations, choosing to find reasonable solutions to problems using a logical approach. That isn't to suggest that he is cold and calculating; he would say that he is "practical". He finds frivolity in circumstances that would otherwise upset most, often being seen as inappropriate to most as others are unsure how to take to his disingenous sense of humor.


Being a man of science, Xevryn truly embraces the idea of fusion despite never experiencing the phenomenon first-hand. Seeing fusion as the logical evolutionary step between human and pokemon, he strives to learn more about the process.

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