Team Umbra

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To eradicate the light of day.

To keep the morning sun at bay.

To watch the hope leave sullen eyes.

To extend our reach across blackened skies.

Team Umbra, striking hard against all things bright.

Surrender now, and embrace the night.



Growing discontentment regarding the loose-organizational hierarchy within the Kasei Underground membership resulted in the formation of a splinter group of mid-level trainers and fusions united by the goal of covering the region, and perhaps the world under the shroud of unending darkness. Drawing resources and funding from the remnants of the Underground's now-defunct sister-group, Team Venom, Team Umbra became a haven for the ambitious, driven morally-black individuals who have zero reservations about extinguishing the light of the world and taking what they believe to be theirs.

Team Umbra had existed as a whisper on the lips of criminals around Kasei until the group's formal creation sometime shortly after the joint Underground/Team Stellar attack on Port Nuovo during Typhoon Carracosta. Frustrated with the groups' mismanagement of power in underworld during the following months, members sought to bring the various crime groups by offering a more organized, central hierarchy to crime and the promise of an unending night in which to perform nefarious deeds.


While keeping the criminal element in order is part of its role, Team Umbra's ultimate goal is to create the ideal world of shadows for Dark types. To this end, Team Umbra has been known to employ various methods ranging from weather manipulation to introducing light-weight vantablack particulates to the upper atmosphere via aerosol in order to absorb sunlight.

The Shade Virus

Shortly after acquiring Team Venom's resources, Umbra developed the Shade Virus, a potent neuro-toxin that induces an instant state of forced hypnagogia, a nightmarish "waking sleep" in which the victim is clearly asleep but fully reactive to outside stimuli and suggestion. Other side-effects include hallucinations and a lack of emotional control, leaving its victim experiencing irrational terror, uninhibited rage, and depression, all at varying frequencies. While the effects of the Shade Virus aren't overtly permanent, prolonged exposure can result in damage to one's mental state.



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