Lots of WORDSSS related to the game's helpfiles, which are undergoing some editing.
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Code of Conduct
Please remember that Pokemon Fusion is a PG-13 MU*. Excessive violence and gore, blatant nudity, and inappropriate language are not permitted. Depending on the judgment of staff, you may be asked to tone down such behavior if you are discovered to have crossed these lines in public, and are expected to comply with this request. This rating extends to the chat channels, with the sole exception of the NSFW channel.
In addition, the topics of religion and politics are discouraged (though not outright forbidden), as they often lead to hurt feelings and arguments; staff that witness conversations devolving in this direction may ask that the conversation be brought to an end, and players are expected to comply. In a more general sense, if your behavior - whether in chat or in RP - is making someone uncomfortable, the fair thing to do is to stop. Staff are the final arbiters on what constitutes a reasonable request in this regard.
Rating exceptions include areas that are specifically indicated as having an alternate rating, and the NSFW chat channel. In alternate-rating rooms, all rules of conduct still apply with the sole exception of the PG-13 requirement, and players are expected to abide by them. The NSFW channel is not for RP, and those found to be RPing graphic sexual acts may be asked to stop. In addition, posted links must include some indication as to the content of said link, including species, gender(s), and general theme.
When creating a character, please keep in mind that having your character be a rival of another character is perfectly acceptable only if the other player agrees to the rivalry and if the conflict does not bleed over into out-of-character (OOC) behavior. Villain characters are discouraged due to the difficulty of justifying getting away with such things for the average person. Those wishing to play a villain may contact staff for a non-player character (NPC) for this purpose, and may or may not be approved depending on staff opinion of the appropriateness of such.
Finally, players are expected to abide by the edicts of the wizards (staff) at all times. Abusing or ignoring a wizard is a serious offense, and willfully avoiding discussions prompted by them may subject a player to either punishment or increased punishment, depending on the situation.
Punishment for offenses including (but not limited to) those listed above may include a reduction in TP, TXP, EXP or credits, Pokemon deletion, item removal, chat channel access removal, character invalidation/removal, and/or banning from the MU*. Staff do not wish to use any of these tools to guide player behavior, so we urge players to cooperate with staff to reach reasonable solutions to any issues.
Pokemon Fusion MUCK has an overall rating of PG-13, but contains a small number of areas where this restriction does not apply. These areas are few and far between, but are locked to minors for the protection of Pokemon Fusion MUCK's well-being. In order to access these areas, you must contact a wiz and inform them of your birthdate, at which point they will grant you access to the restricted areas if you are over 18 years of age.
Conduct for staff:
Staff are expected to be respectful to the players at all times while on staff characters, especially their player alts. There is no special treatment; if a staffer repeatedly mistreats players, they will face disciplinary action up to and including removal of their elevated status. (This of course does not mean that antagonizing a staff member is acceptable.) Any staff member found to be unfairly punishing a player will be similarly punished, players are encouraged to speak up if they believe they are being treated unfairly. Any staffer found to be unfairly giving a player an advantage will cause the player and/or the staffer to be disciplined depending on the situation.
For in-depth information, please use +Theme. Below is a general rundown of the
Fusions are commonplace and treated for the most part as equals to Humans, there are even born-fusions nowadays. Fusions are individuals with the same rights as human;, not property and are unable to be caught in Poke Balls.
Fusions started first appearing early in recorded history, and were a rare occurrence of a Pokemon and a trainer sharing a strong enough bond that they could, for limited amounts of time, share a body to perfect their closeness, and eventually some found they no longer had to separate again. Some liked becoming one with their Pokemon. and as the practice spread, more and more people found this mysterious ability, more and more liked it.
The Kasei Region: the story of 'Pokemon Fusion' takes place in is like any other region. It has its own Pokemon league, its own Gyms, and sub-gyms. There are friendly faces and cheerful places, as well as danger and wild Pokemon everywhere. As well as the omnipresent Pokemon League, that regulates the Credits you earn, the trainers currency. Real money exists, too, but what you buy Pokemon Supplies with are Pokemon Credits (The only system-viewed currency) Keeping millionaires and bums on relatively the same level when they start their Pokemon journey.
You can be nearly anyone when you start your journey here. But claims of 'best trainer' and other boastful titles are discouraged. You can say you're a wealthy prince from Nigeria, but cash money doesn't mean a thing to trainers, it buys minimal things. Money buys cars, sure, but for Trainers, Credits can buy any number of supplies
On the Fusion side of things, we ask there be a 25% rule in play. If you are fused, you shouldn't be any less than at least 25% humanoid, and no less than at least 25% Pokemon. This means at most you can be a fairly pokemon looking creature. A bipedal Arcanine, for example, but you are not a wild Pokemon. And at the other extreme, you'd be a "gijinka" or catgirl-esque; a girl with Skitty ears and tail, for example, but not exactly a human. And we'd prefer you stay below nine foot in height and above three feet, unless you have a really convincing reason and can convince staff.
- Speech amendment
On the subject of Human-Fusion-Pokemon communication: It is our opinion that the following should be held as 'default' for the setting - Normal humans cannot, in general, understand normal Pokemon; Permanent fusions and born fusion can, in general, understand Pokemon, regardless of their current form; temporary fusions can understand normal Pokemon while they are fused; normal Pokemon can understand normal human communication to varying degrees based on their degree of training, intelligence, and other factors.
That said, the above are intended as a default. If you as an individual feel that it would be better for your character's story if their communicative ability were different than normal in some way, go for it. In this, as in many things, plot and fun come before complete 'realism' or slavish devotion to source material. It would be helpful, though not required, to note any variations from the norm in your +info for the benefit of your RP partners. Happy roleplaying!
Humans do not directly speak Pokemon language, Pokemon do not directly speak human language. Fusions may speak either. This does not necessarily affect their ability to be understood, as said above.
Below is a short rundown of how relationships between the various species function in regards to breeding and societal views.
- Human + Human: This is to be expected, unless of course you are a nerd.
- Human + Fusion: While taboo surrounds these couples worldwide, there is some lingering doubts of the ethics for those couples who defy the odds. Unions of this sort can produce both natural-born fusion offspring as well as human children. Human/Fusion relationships are often featured prominently in IC media, particularly romance and drama, and range in social acceptability from perfectly normal to romanticized to prejudiced against depending on region and demographics.
- Fusion + Fusion: Acceptable interaction in most regions, potentially awkward due to sizes and body shapes. Result will generally be natural-born fusion of course. The pair is capable of bearing human offspring, though it is generally more difficult and uncommon than when one parent is true human. It is not uncommon to see a human child with two fusion parents, because of this.
- Fusion or Human + anything else: It is seen as bestiality for humans and fusions to cavort with Pokemon, thus obviously being a cultural taboo in Kasei as most other places. No offspring are possible for either.
Fusion Basics
In order to fuse, both Pokemon and trainer have to want it on some level, whether consciously or otherwise. Temporary fusion requires a Bond stat of 140 or more with the Pokemon, and Permanent fusion requires a Bond stat of 255. There is some currently unknown factor that can make it easier, harder, or sometimes impossible for some people to do (as plot dictates). Un-fusing behaves in a similar way, though someone with difficulty fusing need not have difficulty un-fusing, or vice-versa.
Due to system limitations, items cannot be held by a Pokemon when it fuses.
- Different Fusion Types
In a temporary fusion, the Pokemon's gender is used. This can be averted if the Pokemon's bond stat is at 250 or more, in which case either the trainer's or Pokemon's gender can be chosen whenever fusion is performed. The command to perform a Temporary fusion is +tempfuse slot<#>. For example: +tempfuse slot2
In a permanent fusion, the choice of gender between the trainer's or the Pokemon's is made only once, at the time of the permanent fusion. The command to perform a Permanent fusion is +permfuse slot<#>. For example: +permfuse slot2 IMPORTANT! Once a Pokemon has been used in a permanent fusion, it is a part of the character forever. There is no way to return that Pokemon to your party as a seperate entity.
- Un-Fusing
Temporary fusions can un-fuse by typing +unfuse. This sends the Pokemon back to the trainer's current group, or - if the group is full - back to a slot in a Box. If all Boxes are full, un-fusing is impossible.
Permanent fusions can un-fuse by typing the same command, but will only revert to a human form; the Pokemon is not recovered in this case, having been lost when the permanent fusion was performed. Note that you do not ever *have* to use the un-fuse command, and if your character was fusion-born (and thus has no human form), you can simply type +fusion to choose between your different forms without the intermediary step of un-fusing.
- Fusion Mechanics
Mechanically, the Bond stat is raised by 1 on a Pokemon for winning a battle in which it participated. All Pokemon in the party (and the current fusion, if applicable) gain 1 Bond for every valid tick of RP. In either case, a Pokemon of the trainer's favorite type will gain an additional point of Bond whenever a point is granted. Being fused gives an additional bonus of 1 point on the fusion.
Fusions have a 10% boost to Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed over the Pokemon's original form.