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"What did you say?"

Name: Riley Williams

Species: Rattata-Fusion

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 4'0"

Occupation: Pokemon Trainer

Favored type: Normal

Affiliation: P.A.L.S.


Important Pokemon


Common Fusions

Riley is currently unable to fuse or unfuse.


Riley was a regular enough girl growing up in Kanto. She was prettier than average, but not one of the most popular girls. She was quite aware of the pokemon stuff going on around herself, without having much of an interest herself. After graduating High School, she found herself ending up working at a department store.

Working there started to drive her crazy. Dealing with customers is annoying and is not where she saw herself in life. Therefore she decided to quit and become a pokemon trainer. Her only reasoning was that they get various types of benefits and don't seem like they actually have to work very hard. Her parents, of course, were not happy with her descision, so she chose to move to Kasei to get away from them.

Short after moving, something happened. She can't remember what, but she woke up in her new form. She had nothing against fusions, they were a bit odd to her, but whatever made them happy. She definitely did not want to be one of them, especially being stuck as a rodent.

As a method of compensating, Riley threw herself into pokemon training. She felt if she could become a great trainer, her physical traits wouldn't matter and she would still get respect. She has also recently joined P.A.L.S. as a way of putting her training to some good use, as well as gain some respect in the process.


Riley plans on defeating all the pokemon gyms using only normal types, as a method of displaying the power of normal types, as well as perhaps a bit out of spite. She has no desire to be the pokemon league champion, but will most likely challenge the elite four at some point just to prove she can defeat them. Perhaps she might also like to brag that she is the best Normal type trainer in the region.


Riley is rather displeased at the circumstances she has found herself in. She is quick to start a fight if anyone makes fun of her appearance or her size, despite the likely chance that she will not win it. She is pushing a bit hard to 'prove herself' and make up for her, as she considers it, ridiculous form.

She is not unkind, but as she considers herself to have 'bigger problems' than most people, she may not come off as the most sympathetic person, either.

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