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Much like in the games, there are breeding functions on Fusion.  Breeding can be done in two ways.
Much like in the games, there are breeding functions on Fusion.  Breeding can be done in two ways.
1) Leave the two pokemon you wish to breed with the Day Care in Skygrove City.
1) Leave the two Pokémon you wish to breed with the Day Care in Skygrove City.
2) Manual breeding.
2) Manual breeding.
To use the Daycare, simply travel to Skygrove city and type +daycare.
To use the Daycare, simply travel to Skygrove city and type +daycare.  You will be given on screen prompts to follow.  You will have a chance for an egg to be produced once per hour.
For manual breeding, the commands are as follows  
== Manual Breeding Commands ==
[[Image:UHkhcfH.png‎|left|Pokemon Eggs]]
For manual breeding, the commands are as follows:
* +breed/allow - Turns on your ability to breed.
* +breed/allow - Turns on your ability to breed.
* +breed/!allow - Turn off your ability to breed.
* +breed - Choose a person, who has been set +Breed/allow, to breed a Pokémon with.  You can choose yourself for this target, if using two Pokémon in your own party.
* +breed/manage - Choose the Pokémon who will be breeding.
* +breed/accept - Accept an offer from another to breed Pokémon.
* +breed/confirm - Confirm the current selected pair for breeding.
* +breed/cancel - Cancel a current breeding.
* +layegg - If a breed has been successful, produce an egg into your party.
== Egg Production Chances ==
The chance to produce an egg each hour is as follows:
* Same Species, different Original Trainer (OT) - 69.3%
* Same Species, Same OT - 49.5%
* Different Species, Different OT - 49.5%
* Different Species, Same OT - 19.8%
For Pokémon to have any chance of breeding, they must be opposite genders and share at least one Egg Group.
== Egg Hatching ==
Eggs are hatched by either RPing, or battling.
Carrying or being fused with a Pokemon that has the ability Magma Armor or Flame Body will approximately halve the time Eggs in the party take to hatch from battle or in RP.
== Egg Moves, Natures, and IVs ==
Currently, our rules differ slightly from the games.  The mechanics from Black and White (early Generation V) are currently being used, with some exceptions:
* Moves inherited from the father are not limited to four.  The child will inherit any compatible breed moves.
* The IV inheritance is different, explained below.
{| style="float: left;" class="wikitable"
|+ IVs and their binary values
! IV !! Binary !! IV !! Binary !! IV !! Binary !! IV !! Binary
|  0 || 00000 || 8 || 01000 || 16 || 10000 || 24 || 11000
|  1 || 00001 || 9 || 01001 || 17 || 10001 || 25 || 11001
|  2 || 00010 || 10 || 01010 || 18 || 10010 || 26 || 11010
|  3 || 00011 || 11 || 01011 || 19 || 10011 || 27 || 11011
|  4 || 00100 || 12 || 01100 || 20 || 10100 || 28 || 11100
|  5 || 00101 || 13 || 01101 || 21 || 10101 || 29 || 11101
|  6 || 00110 || 14 || 01110 || 22 || 10110 || 30 || 11110
|  7 || 00111 || 15 || 01111 || 23 || 10111 || 31 || 11111
{| style="float: right;" class="wikitable"
|+ Power Items and their Stat.
! scope = "col" | Power Item
! scope = "col" | Stat
| Power Weight || Hit Points
| Power Bracer || Attack
| Power Belt || Defense
| Power Anklet || Speed
| Power Lens || Special Attack
| Power Band || Special Defense
A parent holding an Everstone will pass its Nature onto the child 100% of the time.  The EV-training Power items (Weight, Bracer, Belt, Anklet, Lens, Band) will cause that parent to pass the respective IV to a child 100% of the time.
+breed - Choose a person, who has been set +Breed/allow, to breed a pokemon withYou can choose yourself for this target, if using two pokemon in your own party.
IVs are internally stored as binary.  For an Egg's IVs not passed by a Power item, each binary bit of the numbers are chosen randomly from either parentFor example: While breeding two parents with a 17 (10001) and a 20 (10100) for their Speed IV, there are four possible results for the resultant Egg's Speed IV: 16 (10000), 17 (10001), 20 (10100) and 21 (10101), all with equal probability.
+breed/manage - Choose the pokemon who will be breeding.

Latest revision as of 20:07, 3 September 2016

Pokemon Eggs

Much like in the games, there are breeding functions on Fusion. Breeding can be done in two ways.

1) Leave the two Pokémon you wish to breed with the Day Care in Skygrove City.

2) Manual breeding.

To use the Daycare, simply travel to Skygrove city and type +daycare. You will be given on screen prompts to follow. You will have a chance for an egg to be produced once per hour.


[edit] Manual Breeding Commands

Pokemon Eggs

For manual breeding, the commands are as follows:

  • +breed/allow - Turns on your ability to breed.
  • +breed/!allow - Turn off your ability to breed.
  • +breed - Choose a person, who has been set +Breed/allow, to breed a Pokémon with. You can choose yourself for this target, if using two Pokémon in your own party.
  • +breed/manage - Choose the Pokémon who will be breeding.
  • +breed/accept - Accept an offer from another to breed Pokémon.
  • +breed/confirm - Confirm the current selected pair for breeding.
  • +breed/cancel - Cancel a current breeding.
  • +layegg - If a breed has been successful, produce an egg into your party.

[edit] Egg Production Chances

The chance to produce an egg each hour is as follows:

  • Same Species, different Original Trainer (OT) - 69.3%
  • Same Species, Same OT - 49.5%
  • Different Species, Different OT - 49.5%
  • Different Species, Same OT - 19.8%

For Pokémon to have any chance of breeding, they must be opposite genders and share at least one Egg Group.

[edit] Egg Hatching

Eggs are hatched by either RPing, or battling. Carrying or being fused with a Pokemon that has the ability Magma Armor or Flame Body will approximately halve the time Eggs in the party take to hatch from battle or in RP.

[edit] Egg Moves, Natures, and IVs

Currently, our rules differ slightly from the games. The mechanics from Black and White (early Generation V) are currently being used, with some exceptions:

  • Moves inherited from the father are not limited to four. The child will inherit any compatible breed moves.
  • The IV inheritance is different, explained below.

IVs and their binary values
IV Binary IV Binary IV Binary IV Binary
0 00000 8 01000 16 10000 24 11000
1 00001 9 01001 17 10001 25 11001
2 00010 10 01010 18 10010 26 11010
3 00011 11 01011 19 10011 27 11011
4 00100 12 01100 20 10100 28 11100
5 00101 13 01101 21 10101 29 11101
6 00110 14 01110 22 10110 30 11110
7 00111 15 01111 23 10111 31 11111
Power Items and their Stat.
Power Item Stat
Power Weight Hit Points
Power Bracer Attack
Power Belt Defense
Power Anklet Speed
Power Lens Special Attack
Power Band Special Defense

A parent holding an Everstone will pass its Nature onto the child 100% of the time. The EV-training Power items (Weight, Bracer, Belt, Anklet, Lens, Band) will cause that parent to pass the respective IV to a child 100% of the time.

IVs are internally stored as binary. For an Egg's IVs not passed by a Power item, each binary bit of the numbers are chosen randomly from either parent. For example: While breeding two parents with a 17 (10001) and a 20 (10100) for their Speed IV, there are four possible results for the resultant Egg's Speed IV: 16 (10000), 17 (10001), 20 (10100) and 21 (10101), all with equal probability.

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