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Lots of WORDSSS related to the game's helpfiles, which are undergoing some editing.
This is not the page you are looking for. I'm using this as notes as I have no idea how to make a new page. Whoo.
==Code of Conduct==
Things To Do:
*Command Documentation
*Get the History and Current Events updated
*Ask Yang about Registration and Password recovery
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:800px">
Faction Roster <br>
Conduct for players and staff alike:
Places Page <br>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">Please remember that Pokemon Fusion is a PG-13 MU*. Excessive violence and gore, blatant nudity, and inappropriate language are not permitted. Depending on the judgment of staff, you may be asked to tone down such behavior if you are discovered to have crossed these lines in public, and are expected to comply with this request. This rating extends to the chat channels, with the sole exception of the NSFW channel.  
other thigns. Yeah <br>
In addition, the topics of religion and politics are discouraged (though not outright forbidden), as they often lead to hurt feelings and arguments; staff that witness conversations devolving in this direction may ask that the conversation be brought to an end, and players are expected to comply. In a more general sense, if your behavior - whether in chat or in RP - is making someone uncomfortable, the fair thing to do is to stop. Staff are the final arbiters on what constitutes a reasonable request in this regard.
Rating exceptions include areas that are specifically indicated as having an alternate rating, and the NSFW chat channel. In alternate-rating rooms, all rules of conduct still apply with the sole exception of the PG-13 requirement, and players are expected to abide by them. The NSFW channel is not for RP, and those found to be RPing graphic sexual acts may be asked to stop. In addition, posted links must include some indication as to the content of said link, including species, gender(s), and general theme.
Links for things I want to save but at the same time get rid of because they are pointless.
When creating a character, please keep in mind that having your character be a rival of another character is perfectly acceptable only if the other player agrees to the rivalry and if the conflict does not bleed over into out-of-character (OOC) behavior. Villain characters are discouraged due to the difficulty of justifying getting away with such things for the average person. Those wishing to play a villain may contact staff for a non-player character (NPC) for this purpose, and may or may not be approved depending on staff opinion of the appropriateness of such.
Finally, players are expected to abide by the edicts of the wizards (staff) at all times. Abusing or ignoring a wizard is a serious offense, and willfully avoiding discussions prompted by them may subject a player to either punishment or increased punishment, depending on the situation.
Punishment for offenses including (but not limited to) those listed above may include a reduction in TP, TXP, EXP or credits, Pokemon deletion, item removal, chat channel access removal, character invalidation/removal, and/or banning from the MU*. Staff do not wish to use any of these tools to guide player behavior, so we urge players to cooperate with staff to reach reasonable solutions to any issues.
Please help me
Pokemon Fusion MUCK has an overall rating of PG-13, but contains a small number of areas where this restriction does not apply. These areas are few and far between, but are locked to minors for the protection of Pokemon Fusion MUCK's well-being. In order to access these areas, you must contact a wiz and inform them of your birthdate, at which point they will grant you access to the restricted areas if you are over 18 years of age.
Are teams exclusive?
For staffers:
No. We'll expect you to work hard, but everyone needs to let go and have some fun. Or so our psychologists say. Please return all Lunar property to their proper hazard level storage containers before you switch sides on us, though. Or we'll revoke your library card. You can only wear one uniform at a time, and if it's ours, you'll be stuck using our types and methods. Of course if it's not, then... well, we'll have to use you in our experiments, won't we?
Staff are expected to be respectful to the players at all times while on staff characters, especially their player alts. There is no special treatment; if a staffer repeatedly mistreats players, they will face disciplinary action up to and including removal of their elevated status. (This of course does not mean that antagonizing a staff member is acceptable.) Any staff member found to be unfairly punishing a player will be similarly punished, players are encouraged to speak up if they believe they are being treated unfairly. Any staffer found to be unfairly giving a player an advantage will cause the player and/or the staffer to be disciplined depending on the situation.</div>
What do I have to do to join?
First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you can make potions, perform rocket surgery, or do multivector calculus in your head, let us know. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have a Psychic, Water, Steel, or Poison typing. So say... Kingdra, Magnezone, Politoed, Toxicroak, Gallade, Excadrill. We run rain, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.
==Team Solar page==
=Who are we?=
We are soldiers, police, adventurers, firefighters, pokemon breeders, martial artists, strategists, athletes, heroes, the courageous, the champions. We are those who charge into danger and fight our way through, always moving forwards.
=What do we want?=
Justice, for those who break the rules, harm others, or abuse pokemon. Challenge, to test ourselves and eliminate our weaknesses. Heroism, to inspire everyone to try their very best at training pokemon. Pokemon unleash our full potential, and they in turn rely on us to provide training and strength.
=How can you help?=
Team Solar wants you. It doesn't matter if you're bad at training and battling. We can fix that with practice. Don't be discouraged by losing. That's how you improve. We're fighting for people who will need your help, your strengths, and your talent. We organize tournaments and provide self-defense classes, so victims of pokemon crime will be able to fight back on their own. Find someone who lacks confidence, and teach them everything they need to know to build a team to stand against legends.
=What's in it for you?=
You mean besides being a goddamn hero? Tournament prizes. Gym badges. People who can give you battles on equal footing. We're giving you the gift of a stronger you. We have Fire, Flying, Fighting, and Dragon types. We protect you while you sleep. You also get a boosted AP reward for participating in our GM-run plots, and for running those plots as a GM. You also get Red Points. Solar Missions are the only source of Red Points.
=What are Red Points?=
Red Points are compatible with any pokemon that is Fire, Flying, Fighting, or Dragon. They can be used to buy any move off that pokemon's dex entry. They can be used to buy an IV. And they can be used to buy Dream World abilities.
=Are teams exclusive?=
No, there are a lot of ways to be the best, and many paths to self-improvement. The point is, the journey never ends. Carve your own path to the top and bring it on. You can only wear one uniform at a time, though, and we'll all be waiting for you to switch out. Remember, you can't run from a trainer battle, and that goes double from us.
=What do I have to do to join?=
First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you know kung-fu, can investigate a crime scene, know the best way to put out a chemical fire, let us know. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have a Fire, Flying, Fighting, or Dragon typing. So say... Kingdra, Skarmory, Ninetales, Breloom, Garchomp, Tropius. We run sun, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.
=Team Stellar=
=Who are we?=
We are lawyers, actors, idols, hackers, politicians, businessmen, accountants, news reporters, spies, clergy, the wealthy, the influential. We are the hands that pull the strings. We are the top of the pyramid, and we run things.
=What do we want?=
Money, filthy shining lucre. Fame, our names up in lights. Power, to shape and organize things. Pokemon are tools, be they beautiful enough to draw crowds, subtle enough to tilt the scales in our favor, powerful enough to protect our interests, and shove aside anyone in our way.
=How can you help?=
Team Stellar is recruiting. We are officially sanctioned by the Pokemon League, so you won't be asked to kill anybody or anything like that. But we are the ones who play loosest with the rules, and we have license to antagonize, so if you have a certain lack of morals, are prone to violent outbursts, and are looking for a safe outlet that won't get you on the bad side of an Arcanine-fusion named Jenny, feel free to stop in and get your hands dirty with some of our covert missions.
=What's in it for you?=
Took you this long to ask? Don't worry, we'll get that to be a reflex. What we have is our own private training grounds, stocked to the brim with rare and powerful examples of our team elements. Ice, Dark, Electric, and Ghost types are on tap, 24/7. You bring the pokeballs, we supply the 'mon. We have an underworld connection that supplies us with resources and equipment. And we can freely raid other teams and take their stuff too. You also get a boosted AP reward for participating in our GM-run plots, and for running those plots as a GM. You also get Yellow Points. Stellar Missions are the only source of Yellow Points.
=What are Yellow Points?=
Yellow Points are compatible with any pokemon that is Ice, Dark, Electric, or Ghost. They can be used to buy any move off that pokemon's dex entry. They can be used to buy an IV. And they can be used to buy Dream World abilities.
=Are teams exclusive?=
No. We expect everyone to pick one team or another, but there's no exclusivity agreement. A lot of people are probably going to find themselves pulled between two or three teams with suitable ideologies. Go for it! After all, we need the intel. You can only wear one uniform at a time though, and you'll be treated like rivals when it's on! And of course, if you're not in any team's uniform, we're going to just treat you like civilians, and you can use whatever pokemon you want.
=What do I have to do to join?=
First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you can pick locks, hack, steal, let us know. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have an Ice, Dark, Electric, or Ghost typing. So say... Chandelure, Galvantula, Abomasnow, Mamoswine, Gengar, Hydreigon. We run hail, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.
=Who are we?=
We are farmers, social workers, mechanics, chefs, authors, manufacturers, miners, charities, parents, children, friends, the homeless, the unemployed. We are both the huddled masses and those willing to help, brought together to make the world a better place.
=What do we want?=
Peace, so the infrastructure we build isn't destroyed. Unity, so we can get everyone on the same page with what needs to be done. Friendship, forming robust support networks to help each other. Pokemon are people too, and deserve our respect and love. Teamwork and a sense of community are crucial.
=How can you help?=
Team Terra needs donations. We need food. Clothes. Toys. Help us deliver meals to hungry people. Help us find jobs for the unemployed. We have a lot of community service goals to meet. Route maintenance, city beautification, constructing low-cost homes, getting sick people the care they need. And we're willing to do what's right even if it doesn't match up perfectly with what's legal. People are more important than that. Join with us, and you can save people.
=What's in it for you?=
What do you need? We have a community of sharing and friendship, and we try to pair up people who have kind hearts with those they can really help. We have a campground where Bug, Rock, Grass, and Ground types are willing to help us with our work. We can take you in and give you a place to live, food to eat. You also get a boosted AP reward for participating in our GM-run plots, and for running those plots as a GM. You also get Green Points. Terra Missions are the only source of Green Points.
=What are Green Points?=
Green Points are compatible with any pokemon that is Bug, Rock, Grass, or Ground. They can be used to buy any move off that pokemon's dex entry. They can be used to buy an IV. And they can be used to buy Dream World abilities.
=Are teams exclusive?=
Not in the least. Help everyone you can, wherever they are. Each of the other teams provides their options and resources, and we want people to be able to access as much as they can, and apply it where they can do best. Try to convince them to work with us. We understand about keeping a unified front though, so if you need to wear another team's uniform for a while, that's fine, but we won't be able to go easy on you until you come back home.
=What do I have to do to join?=
First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you can cook, if you can communicate in different ways or languages, if you can build things, let us know so we can put you where we need you. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have a Bug, Rock, Grass, or Ground typing. So say... Scizor, Garchomp, Tyranitar, Aerodactyl, Tropius, Volcarona. We run sand, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.

Latest revision as of 11:53, 7 September 2016

This is not the page you are looking for. I'm using this as notes as I have no idea how to make a new page. Whoo.

Things To Do:

  • Command Documentation
  • Get the History and Current Events updated
  • Ask Yang about Registration and Password recovery
  • Cry

Faction Roster
Places Page
other thigns. Yeah

Links for things I want to save but at the same time get rid of because they are pointless.

Please help me

Are teams exclusive?

No. We'll expect you to work hard, but everyone needs to let go and have some fun. Or so our psychologists say. Please return all Lunar property to their proper hazard level storage containers before you switch sides on us, though. Or we'll revoke your library card. You can only wear one uniform at a time, and if it's ours, you'll be stuck using our types and methods. Of course if it's not, then... well, we'll have to use you in our experiments, won't we?

What do I have to do to join?

First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you can make potions, perform rocket surgery, or do multivector calculus in your head, let us know. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have a Psychic, Water, Steel, or Poison typing. So say... Kingdra, Magnezone, Politoed, Toxicroak, Gallade, Excadrill. We run rain, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.


[edit] Team Solar page

[edit] Who are we?

We are soldiers, police, adventurers, firefighters, pokemon breeders, martial artists, strategists, athletes, heroes, the courageous, the champions. We are those who charge into danger and fight our way through, always moving forwards.

[edit] What do we want?

Justice, for those who break the rules, harm others, or abuse pokemon. Challenge, to test ourselves and eliminate our weaknesses. Heroism, to inspire everyone to try their very best at training pokemon. Pokemon unleash our full potential, and they in turn rely on us to provide training and strength.

[edit] How can you help?

Team Solar wants you. It doesn't matter if you're bad at training and battling. We can fix that with practice. Don't be discouraged by losing. That's how you improve. We're fighting for people who will need your help, your strengths, and your talent. We organize tournaments and provide self-defense classes, so victims of pokemon crime will be able to fight back on their own. Find someone who lacks confidence, and teach them everything they need to know to build a team to stand against legends.

[edit] What's in it for you?

You mean besides being a goddamn hero? Tournament prizes. Gym badges. People who can give you battles on equal footing. We're giving you the gift of a stronger you. We have Fire, Flying, Fighting, and Dragon types. We protect you while you sleep. You also get a boosted AP reward for participating in our GM-run plots, and for running those plots as a GM. You also get Red Points. Solar Missions are the only source of Red Points.

[edit] What are Red Points?

Red Points are compatible with any pokemon that is Fire, Flying, Fighting, or Dragon. They can be used to buy any move off that pokemon's dex entry. They can be used to buy an IV. And they can be used to buy Dream World abilities.

[edit] Are teams exclusive?

No, there are a lot of ways to be the best, and many paths to self-improvement. The point is, the journey never ends. Carve your own path to the top and bring it on. You can only wear one uniform at a time, though, and we'll all be waiting for you to switch out. Remember, you can't run from a trainer battle, and that goes double from us.

[edit] What do I have to do to join?

First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you know kung-fu, can investigate a crime scene, know the best way to put out a chemical fire, let us know. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have a Fire, Flying, Fighting, or Dragon typing. So say... Kingdra, Skarmory, Ninetales, Breloom, Garchomp, Tropius. We run sun, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.

[edit] Team Stellar

[edit] Who are we?

We are lawyers, actors, idols, hackers, politicians, businessmen, accountants, news reporters, spies, clergy, the wealthy, the influential. We are the hands that pull the strings. We are the top of the pyramid, and we run things.

[edit] What do we want?

Money, filthy shining lucre. Fame, our names up in lights. Power, to shape and organize things. Pokemon are tools, be they beautiful enough to draw crowds, subtle enough to tilt the scales in our favor, powerful enough to protect our interests, and shove aside anyone in our way.

[edit] How can you help?

Team Stellar is recruiting. We are officially sanctioned by the Pokemon League, so you won't be asked to kill anybody or anything like that. But we are the ones who play loosest with the rules, and we have license to antagonize, so if you have a certain lack of morals, are prone to violent outbursts, and are looking for a safe outlet that won't get you on the bad side of an Arcanine-fusion named Jenny, feel free to stop in and get your hands dirty with some of our covert missions.

[edit] What's in it for you?

Took you this long to ask? Don't worry, we'll get that to be a reflex. What we have is our own private training grounds, stocked to the brim with rare and powerful examples of our team elements. Ice, Dark, Electric, and Ghost types are on tap, 24/7. You bring the pokeballs, we supply the 'mon. We have an underworld connection that supplies us with resources and equipment. And we can freely raid other teams and take their stuff too. You also get a boosted AP reward for participating in our GM-run plots, and for running those plots as a GM. You also get Yellow Points. Stellar Missions are the only source of Yellow Points.

[edit] What are Yellow Points?

Yellow Points are compatible with any pokemon that is Ice, Dark, Electric, or Ghost. They can be used to buy any move off that pokemon's dex entry. They can be used to buy an IV. And they can be used to buy Dream World abilities.

[edit] Are teams exclusive?

No. We expect everyone to pick one team or another, but there's no exclusivity agreement. A lot of people are probably going to find themselves pulled between two or three teams with suitable ideologies. Go for it! After all, we need the intel. You can only wear one uniform at a time though, and you'll be treated like rivals when it's on! And of course, if you're not in any team's uniform, we're going to just treat you like civilians, and you can use whatever pokemon you want.

[edit] What do I have to do to join?

First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you can pick locks, hack, steal, let us know. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have an Ice, Dark, Electric, or Ghost typing. So say... Chandelure, Galvantula, Abomasnow, Mamoswine, Gengar, Hydreigon. We run hail, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.

[edit] Who are we?

We are farmers, social workers, mechanics, chefs, authors, manufacturers, miners, charities, parents, children, friends, the homeless, the unemployed. We are both the huddled masses and those willing to help, brought together to make the world a better place.

[edit] What do we want?

Peace, so the infrastructure we build isn't destroyed. Unity, so we can get everyone on the same page with what needs to be done. Friendship, forming robust support networks to help each other. Pokemon are people too, and deserve our respect and love. Teamwork and a sense of community are crucial.

[edit] How can you help?

Team Terra needs donations. We need food. Clothes. Toys. Help us deliver meals to hungry people. Help us find jobs for the unemployed. We have a lot of community service goals to meet. Route maintenance, city beautification, constructing low-cost homes, getting sick people the care they need. And we're willing to do what's right even if it doesn't match up perfectly with what's legal. People are more important than that. Join with us, and you can save people.

[edit] What's in it for you?

What do you need? We have a community of sharing and friendship, and we try to pair up people who have kind hearts with those they can really help. We have a campground where Bug, Rock, Grass, and Ground types are willing to help us with our work. We can take you in and give you a place to live, food to eat. You also get a boosted AP reward for participating in our GM-run plots, and for running those plots as a GM. You also get Green Points. Terra Missions are the only source of Green Points.

[edit] What are Green Points?

Green Points are compatible with any pokemon that is Bug, Rock, Grass, or Ground. They can be used to buy any move off that pokemon's dex entry. They can be used to buy an IV. And they can be used to buy Dream World abilities.

[edit] Are teams exclusive?

Not in the least. Help everyone you can, wherever they are. Each of the other teams provides their options and resources, and we want people to be able to access as much as they can, and apply it where they can do best. Try to convince them to work with us. We understand about keeping a unified front though, so if you need to wear another team's uniform for a while, that's fine, but we won't be able to go easy on you until you come back home.

[edit] What do I have to do to join?

First, you'll have to compile a list of your skills and weaknesses, and give a little bit of detail as to their origins and extents. Our GMs use weaknesses to fuel other team's RP against you, and your strengths to assign you plots against them. If you don't list it, you might not get to use it, so if you can cook, if you can communicate in different ways or languages, if you can build things, let us know so we can put you where we need you. We also pair people based on those skills to cover each other and share common interests. Second, you'll have to make a team, and be ready to fight in doubles battles, so you'll want to spend some time discussing roles and strategy with your teammates. When you're in uniform you can only use pokemon that have a Bug, Rock, Grass, or Ground typing. So say... Scizor, Garchomp, Tyranitar, Aerodactyl, Tropius, Volcarona. We run sand, so keep that in mind and don't ruin your partner's weather.

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