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==Known Hosts==
==Known Hosts==
'''Kazuya Iketani'''- Sneasel-fusion, Age: 23. Hometown: Sapporo, Japan.  [[image:jet2.png|right|thumb|Fused with Kazuya]]
'''Iketani Kazuya'''- Sneasel-fusion, Age: 23. Hometown: Sapporo, Japan.  [[image:jet2.png|right|thumb|Fused with Kazuya]]
A Sneasel-fusion born into the Iketani Clan of Sapporo, Japan. Ishikari Prefrecture. Most of his youth was spent training in his family's traditional customs that dated back to the Warring States era of feudal Japan. The arts of silence motion infiltration and ninja-esque combat were passed down through the generations of his family, though at this date in age they were suited for use as paid enforcers and information brokers for the Yakuza. The payments of contracts completed by the clan were the prime source of income, making the Iketani family one of the more wealthy groups in Sapporo.  
A Sneasel-fusion born into the Iketani Clan of Sapporo, Japan. Ishikari Prefrecture. Most of his youth was spent training in his family's traditional customs that dated back to the Warring States era of feudal Japan. The arts of silence motion infiltration and ninja-esque combat were passed down through the generations of his family, though at this date in age they were suited for use as paid enforcers and information brokers for the Yakuza. The payments of contracts completed by the clan were the prime source of income, making the Iketani family one of the more wealthy groups in Sapporo.  

Revision as of 20:33, 6 October 2015

If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?

Name: Jet

Gender: Neutral (Identifies male, but generally is based on fusion)

Species: Darkrai

Physiology: Parasitic-fusion (Multiple human hosts at different times)

Known Aliases: "Nightmare", "The Boogeyman"

Age: Unknown


Affiliation: Team Stellar, Team Umbra



The origins of the Darkrai known simply as Jet are clouded in mystery, even to himself. If one were to ask him, all he could honestly say is that he just ap peared one day, born from brilliant flash of light much like other pokemon of hi s particular grouping. But from the moment that glowing cyan eye opened, the Dar krai knew one thing for certain - he was hungry.

Most of Jet's early life was spent trying to determine what it was in the wo rld that successfully staved off his hunger and, much to his delight, he found t hat the dreams of the sleeping, particularly nightmares, were the most filling o f meals. Having learned this, Jet spent most of following months innocently feed ing on the dreams of unsuspecting sleepers, as was the case with most Darkrai. H is actions were innocuous at best, but he soon found that it took more and more dreams to satisfy his hunger, and less time would pass before those hunger pangs roiled up inside him again.

Concerned, he was forced to feed more frequently, searching out more terrify ing dreams to dine on. This was no easy task, and it often left him feeling actu ally sick to his stomach when he'd come up empty-handed. This desperation forced Jet to become more proactive in his hunting, resorting to secretly causing mino r stressful situations for his targets that would leave them frustrated, stresse d, or uneasy in order to enhance the potency of their nightmares. For a time, Je t was content with himself and the trouble he caused.

Some time later, Jet caught wind of a phenomenon called fusion, though all h e took away from it was how it was said to improve a pokemon's natural abilities by sharing a body with a human. The idea initially disgusted the Darkrai, but h is opinion changed when he thought of how he could use fusion as a means to crea te stronger nightmares to feast upon. Unsure of how to go about fusion with a hu man, Jet decided to test it on one of his more frequently-visited targets, an ol der man who was prone to bouts of sleepwalking at night.

As night crept over the land, Jet wormed his way into the man's dreams and waited for his time to strike. Much to his surprise, he had little difficulty f using with the sleeper. The Darkrai turned parasite reveled in the control he h ad over his sleeping host and more importantly how much more powerful he felt. R eturning the slumbering man to his bed, Jet left him, intent on finding a more l ong-term host to facilitate his feedings.

Many months passed, and Jet had refined his craft to something of an art. Re alizing that he couldn't keep a permanently sleeping host, he went on to coerce willing targets to join with him, enticed by the 'promise' that they would be gr anted access to the Darkrai's abilities in exchange for a simple ride. What Jet had come to learn, but keep secret from his hosts, was that prolonged fusion wi th the parasitic Darkrai resulted in a rapid deterioration of one's mental state . Once a host's usefulness expired, Jet would simply leave them to wallow in the ir madness as he flew off to find another "ride."

Having spent so much time floating about within the minds of his hosts, Jet has learned that, while nightmares born of terror are tasty, a Darkrai can obtai n a much more filling meal by going straight for the source of said dreams; nega tive emotion itself. So, as of recently, Jet has taken a more aggressive approac h in his feedings with actively antagonizing populations and committing major cr iminal activities with the Kasei Underground tipping off the proverbial iceberg of "organized chaos." To this day, Jet still continues to feed his hunger and se arch for the perfect meal.


Jet concerns himself with his own hunger for fear and nightmares above all e lse. This isn't to suggest that this is his singular motivation; it simply means that maintaining control over it is paramount. The Darkrai-fusion truly believe s that those weaker or useless are meerly prey for him to feed upon. His ultimat e dream would be to leave the Kasei, no.. Leave the world in a state of peaceles s, nightmarish darkness so that he may feast on their fears.

Current Events

Currently, Jet is devising creative ways to satisfy his hunger for fear, con cocting schemes of varying involution to acheive this goal. Additionally, the Da rkrai-fusion has been known to engage in various criminal activities with the Ka sei Underground, resulting in numerous brushes with the authorities and occasion al run-ins with his nemesis of sorts, Drake.

Known Hosts

Iketani Kazuya- Sneasel-fusion, Age: 23. Hometown: Sapporo, Japan.
Fused with Kazuya

A Sneasel-fusion born into the Iketani Clan of Sapporo, Japan. Ishikari Prefrecture. Most of his youth was spent training in his family's traditional customs that dated back to the Warring States era of feudal Japan. The arts of silence motion infiltration and ninja-esque combat were passed down through the generations of his family, though at this date in age they were suited for use as paid enforcers and information brokers for the Yakuza. The payments of contracts completed by the clan were the prime source of income, making the Iketani family one of the more wealthy groups in Sapporo.

Jet came to Kazuya the night of his first contract. It was simple shakedown/intimidation run for one of the lesser crime bosses. Jet promised that if he agreed to the Darkrai's help, Kazuya would be allowed the power to eventually take over the criminal element of Sapporo, and ensure that his clan was taken care of without any risk to those he cared for..

Sophia Hale- Human, Age 25. Hometown: Cardiff, Wales. UK.
Fused with Sophia

Sophia was raised in a financially-disadvantaged home on the outskirts of Cardiff. Her school life was tumultuous due to her circumstances with her fellow students constantly berating and teasing her and her family. The following years didn't see her difficulties lessened. Rather, her tormentors grew more creative in their abuse, and their jeers and barbs turned into physical attacks against her person.

Over time, the abuse made having a life outside of home extremely difficult. Fear of being assaulted by her long-term botherations continually plagued her thoughts, leaving her paranoid and suspicious of everyone around her. Her pain and frustration was delicious enough to draw Jet to her. The Darkrai proceeded to promise her the power to exact her revenge on those who had wronged her as well as build the life she's force if necessary.


Jet is a difficult individual to lock down emotionally. To those who work wi th/for him, he can come off a cold and distant, focusing on completing the task at hand. While, a moment later he can appear almost jovial, with an eerie, almos t sadistic, sense of humor. If one were to ask him, he would say that this perso nality trait is to mask his truly diabolical nature. Beneath the quirky exterior , lies a cruel, villainous soul that feeds on fear and negativity, and would to great lengths to ensure their persistence.

He also exhibits a near-Machiavellian level of ambition, not hesitating to s acrifice "dead weight" to accomplish his goals however, he is also able to recog nize talent in those in his company and will do what is necessary to cultivate t hose skills as they suit his needs. Additionally, he is a masterful and charisma tic wordsmith with the keen ability to manipulate friend and foe alike to accomp lish his goals. It is also important to note that he seems to enjoy toying with his opponents, reveling in their dismay for his own twisted sense of satisfact ion.

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